Beyond the Mat: The Relationship Between Abhyasa and Sadhana
A heart-centered look at the deeper meaning of yoga
The Problem:
Yoga in the West often misses the deeper connection.
Overemphasis on Sadhana (techniques like asana and breathwork).
Little understanding of Abhyasa (the attitude and intention behind practice).
Result: Practice becomes mechanical, disconnected from its purpose.
What is Abhyasa?:
Abhyasa = The Attitude of Practice
Mindful, consistent effort over time.
Rooted in patience, curiosity, and love.
Applies to both yoga and life—how we show up moment to moment.
What is Sadhana?:
Sadhana = The Tools of Practice
Specific techniques like asana, pranayama, and meditation.
Provides structure and grounding for our intentions.
Helps us channel Abhyasa into action.
Why Understanding the Connection Matters:
Sadhana without Abhyasa: Hollow, mechanical effort.
Abhyasa without Sadhana: Unfocused or abstract.
Together, they transform yoga into a living, breathing practice—both on and off the mat.
Reclaiming the Depth of Yoga:
Start with Abhyasa: Cultivate mindfulness and trust.
Expand Sadhana: Use techniques as tools for self-awareness. Honor yoga’s roots and let your practice come alive with intention.
Yoga is not just about what we do on the mat. It’s about how we meet ourselves and the world—with presence, love, and trust.
Let’s reclaim the depth of yoga together.
Much Love, Lindsay